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  1. Amount of Tickets Available

  2. Anonymity

  3. Are my donors' contributions tax deductible during a fundraiser?

  4. Can I use your site for Fantasy Sports?

  5. Can't Save Page (SAFARI)

  6. Change the Price of an Event

  7. Changing Currency

  8. Changing Organizer Name

  9. Changing Payment Processors

  10. Changing Your Name

  11. Contact Organizer

  12. Creating a Facebook Page

  13. Deactivating Your Page

  14. Deleting People from the List

  15. Do I need to provide secure information, such as my social security number, to setup a PayIt2 account?

  16. Do you have a mobile phone application?

  17. Does someone need a special account to pay me online?

  18. Export List to Excel

  19. Facebook shows the wrong description

  20. Fraudulent Charge

  21. Hiding Donor Names and Amounts

  22. How do I handle refunds?

  23. How do I insert images in my Collect Page?

  24. How do the fees work with PayIt2?

  25. How is total cost calculated when the fee is passed to the buyer?

  26. How will collecting payments affect my taxes?

  27. Internet Explorer 9

  28. Issuing a Refund

  29. Managing My List

  30. Mark as Paid Offline

  31. Money

  32. Money Deposit Schedule

  33. No Items Visible?

  34. Obtaining a Refund

  35. Organizing a Bachelor Party on Facebook

  36. Organizing a Charity Event on Facebook

  37. Organizing a Class Reunion on Facebook

  38. Organizing a League on Facebook

  39. Paying Yourself

  40. Payment Deadline

  41. Payment Error

  42. Payment Processors

  43. PayPal FAQ

  44. People Can't Pay

  45. Private Collect Page

  46. Receipts

  47. Refunding Payments

  48. Repeating Events

  49. Security

  50. Stripe FAQ

  51. The Fundraising Goal

  52. Timeout

  53. Unpaid People on Your List

  54. WePay FAQ

  55. What is a "Payment Processor"?

  56. Where does the money I collect online go?

  57. Which currencies do you support?

  58. Who needs a Payment Processor account to use this site?

  59. Why don't you provide phone support???

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